Archive for April, 2013

Support The Student Loan Fairness Act (H.R. 1330)!

Support The Student Loan Fairness Act (H.R. 1330)!

Click on the link above…..

– Right now the debt of student loans have tipped over $1 Trillion. Many have to wait 20 years to have there debt erased. Lets take a stand right now to have things change.

The Student Loan Fairness Act would create a new “10-10” standard for student loan repayment, in which an individual would be required to make ten years of payments at 10% of their discretionary income, after which, their remaining student loan debt would be forgiven. Further, this legislation would:

• ensure low interest rates;

• allow those eligible to convert their private loan debt into federal direct loans;

• reward graduates for entering public service professions;

• provide a lifeline for student borrowers who have fallen on difficult times;

• encourage delinquent and defaulted borrowers to re-enter repayment;

• replace the current, 10 year “Standard Repayment Plan” for the full amount of the loan balance with the “10-10” plan as the default repayment option for borrowers entering repayment.

Student loan debt causes an undeniable and significant drag on the economy. The Student Loan Fairness Act directly addresses this enormous boot on the neck of the middle class and represents a glimmer of hope for millions of Americans who, with each passing day, find that the American Dream is more and more out of reach.

Therefore, we, the undersigned, respectfully request that Congress vote Yes on H.R. 1330, the Student Loan Fairness Act and, thereafter, that President Obama sign this bill into law.

To learn more about H.R. 1330, The Student Loan Fairness Act, please click here:

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Student Loan Debt: Proactive Approach Part 1


Student loan debt can be frightening. I know first-hand because I was frightened. Now after three years of graduating the process begins. Yes, I am planning and developing ways to come out of the massive student loan debt that I acquired. I wish I could have started on this years ago but I was so frightened that I felt trap because of my finances and the employment situation I was in. I had just started a new job after graduation and was only making enough to pay the necessary bills. I had no clue on how I was going to include a monthly payment for my student loans.  So probably like many of you I deferred my loans until I could figure out some type of plan. While they were deferred my mind drifted away to other issues and situations and I never thought about my student loans until my deferment period was ending.

So it was that time again, the deferment period was ending and I was discussing my dilemma to a friend.  That day is when my research started and I began to pull my head out of the sand. I was referred to SmarterBucks/SmarterBank and since then I have been on a proactive move to eliminate my student loans. For those who have not heard SmarterBucks/SmarterBanks have many options to help you make extra payments towards your student loans. You can have family contributions, earn rewards points for shopping online, and/or receive credits points from purchases made with SmarterBank debit card. Yes, it works, this is a legitimate company, and not only I but you and anyone you know can benefit as well.

My proactive approach has driven me to educate myself more on student loans and payment options. I read where student loan debt has risen above $1 Trillion. I am not sure about you but I want out of the $1 Trillion club.





– Harness the Power of Everyday Spending to Pay Down Your Student Loans:

– Too Big to Fail: Student debt hits a trillion:

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How Did I Get Here?


As a spouse we often wonder “How did I get here?” As a military spouse I wonder if that thought doesn’t come up more amongst us… I know I hear on a regular basis “You knew what you were getting into when you married him!” But did I? I mean really, did I? How can anyone really be prepared for this?

I am a married single parent of two.  I love my husband and I know I can’t remember life before him or my kids but I get to experience life without him quite a bit. I married a reservist and though he is a reservist he has been activated for 55% of our relationship.  I was prepared for the 1 weekend a month for drill, the 2 weeks out of the year AT, and even 2 years out of 5 for deployments but no one told me it would be so much more alone time than that. I was not prepared for every other year over the course of 12 years having my significant other/ spouse taken away, then crammed in, then taken away again. I am not complaining anymore (as I have gotten used to it) but I wanted to share this  because many civilian families and even some active duty families look at me sideways when I explain my situation. How did I get here?

Like many of us I started in this because I was young and in love. I had found the man I thought was my match and we complimented each other on several levels that were new to me. So, I jumped in with both feet said Semper Fi and prayed for the best. We had our trials and tribulations, we had the break ups and make ups and then we had our first… deployment. I was committed and didn’t see the warnings so I stayed true and we survived. That reinforced our feelings and made us think maybe we are ready to go “THERE”.  Nope! I had learned my lesson (I was in over my fool head) and wasn’t going to put up with a “voluntary” deployment.  This time I told him I’d be around when he came back but since he “chose” to leave I couldn’t promise I wouldn’t do the same. “How did this HAPPEN?!” I wanted him but it felt like he didn’t want me, he left me on purpose!


He had a life altering experience that brought him home early (ladies this saved me soooo much trouble but I was praying the whole time) and thank goodness brought us to our senses. We were married same year and as a honeymoon favor I caught the 9 month bug. So, we were fortunate enough for him to be here the whole pregnancy then 3 months later he was gone again. That’s 3 deployments so far…  only 6 years in and just one married. He missed our child’s first birthday by a day (irony) and mine by 8. Then we got almost a whole year before SURPRISE this time he was leaving again on MY birthday (my birthday and our child’s are week apart so he missed both again). I was prepared and even waiting for this deployment, I had spent my child’s first year as a single parent and it was hard working hubby back in when he came home but he was leaving again so I could revert to single mom mode again. While he was gone I thought “I’m doing this alone. WHY am I married when I am alone most of the time?”  We talked divorce we talked letting me see what else was out there and in the end we’re still HERE TOGETHER. When returned from the deployment I had made some discoveries (I will share at the end) and  decided I like where I am and it will work if I want it to. Then came child number 2 (commonly referred to as a post deployment baby ;-)).

Two children in and now 5 years of marriage (That’s a decade. I was where I wanted to be and he had been home for almost 2 whole years!  Our second child’s 1st birthday we learn he will be leaving again… This time to somewhere different. Our first tour/deployment. It is only for 7 months and family cannot come but he is not in a war zone. It has been very different! How did we end up here? He’s managing two households while on this tour and things are strained at best. I try to keep it simple and relieve as much stress as possible running things at home but there are outside factors no one expects. Murphy’s Law: If it can happen, it will. He comes home in a few months let’s see how much more goes on…

So, as I sit here thinking “How did I get here?” I had several chances to bail out, I have no excuse for staying in this lifestyle I chose for myself and my children, I am not in the best place but it could be so much worse (He could be home and just never home). I find these truths to stand: I got here because I love my husband. I stayed here because I took a vow. I am still here because Semper Fi goes beyond the green wall and includes families. I made the choice to stay and be the family my husband needs and where I have spent half my marriage single I have decided that if God didn’t think I could handle it He wouldn’t allow it. I am a part of the toughest unpaid job in the military, I am a spouse! I will do my job to the best of my abilities like we all should; and while I am asking “How did I get here?” I’m not looking back, I’m moving forward  trying to figure out our next step. I did not know what  I was getting into when I chose my man but the challenge is something I have grown to enjoy. I even miss him once in awhile when he’s gone and he’s always back just long enough to make things interesting. It’s not for everyone that’s for sure but if you can hang it becomes the challenge we all seek. There’s never a dull moment being a military spouse at least not for me!



N. Cognito

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